Many people have trouble sleeping at night. There may be many causes: caffeine, being hooked on your phone/ bbm/ twitter, etc.
Here are a few great tips to help you unwind and relax an hour or so before going to bed.
- Keep your bedroom for sleep. Don't use your laptop / work from bed. Make it a habit of keeping your bed for sleeping, and do everything else on the sofa or living room.
- Disconnect yourself from the fast-paced, addictive twitter/ bbm half an hour or an hour before bed. (Silent mode can do wonders)
- If you don't have young children/ noisy siblings at home you're lucky; otherwise request that its quiet time an hour before going to sleep. (If all else fails invest in some ear plugs)
- Not a TV person, but if you tend to TV yourself to sleep that might be your thing, but keep the volume low.

The best way to truly unwind and calm yourself for a relaxing sleep is trying the following:
- Take a warm shower before going to sleep. This calms and relaxes you. Preferably, use relaxing body washes & lotions like Baby Johnson's Lavender Night Body Wash OR Bath & Body Works Stress Relief Body Wash & Body Lotionphoto from here
- Switch the lights off and keep only soft light on.
- I don't suggest candles because you might fall asleep with them still lit and its very dangerous.
- Invest in some wonderfully soft bed sheets.
- Relax in silence but if you prefer, listen to calm relaxing music.
- Read a book (assuming you are now disconnected from phone and twitter)
- Get some pillow spray/ bed sheet spray from Bath & Body Works in Lavender and spray it on pillow and bedsheets before sleeping.
- Use a lavender eye pillow to help unwind and relax tired eyes.
- Use Spa Time's hot bean pack on shoulders.
- Think of positive things, places you like.
- Gratitude: Think of all the things your are blessed with and thank Allah.
thanks for the post
ReplyDeletedo you know where to find the lavendar eye pillow?
You're most welcome, I hope it helps you with your sleep,
ReplyDeleteYes the lavender eye pillow is from Marks & Spencer for 5 pounds, I'm not sure if its only sold in London.