Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Mother Of All COOKIES.

The mother of all cookies has arrived.
The spaceship has arrived.
A dear dear friend/sister has brought me Ben's Cookies from London. See that shiny red tin staring at you? Yes,, it has A LOT to offer.

(ps: stickers on the side say 'consume within 4 days'.. LOL? They'll be long gone by then)
Let me back up a few steps.
I've always heard of Ben's Cookies but don't ask me why, I've never tasted them. Even while in London I was never intrigued to try them. Not that I'm not a cookie monster, but because of what I heard. I always hear people say that its more "cake" than it is "cookie", and me being a religious believer of cookies and their true original texture: chewy, I found the cakey texture to be insulting to all cookies.
So, I never gave Ben's Cookies any "face".
Little did I know what was waiting for me in that red tin.
When I first opened the cover I smelled a strong aroma of chips/Kitco. Weird. And those fat cakey cookies were staring at me.
I had Milk Chocolate cookies and Triple Chocolate cookies.
The. Milk. Chocolate. Cookies. Hit. The. Spot.
No- they erased the spot.
The chocolate in it is so tasty, they reminded me of the chocolate in Baking Tray's cookies. Except Baking Tray cookies are greasier, cooked less (they aren't fully cooked), and much much smaller. Ben's cookies are HUGE. I mean, look at that pillow of a cookie below.
And I'm so happy its that huge because its so good you really don't want it to finish. I mean it, its THAT good.
Its so HUGE that it almost broke while holding it for the photo below.
Yes, the texture is kind of cakey but its different, its chewy in its own way, full of goodness and a pure numnum feeling.
That's all I can say and if you haven't tried it yet put it on your list of things to try.
PS: Planning to try it soon at the store, hot + fresh!


  1. The picture does not do justice to the size. They are GINORMOUS. My brother screamed from shock when he saw them!
