Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ramadan: The month of giving

Giving others is a trait borne in almost all Kuwaitis. Giving the needy, giving to friends, giving to neighbors, and giving to family. Whether thoughtful gifts or yummy homemade goodness, we all love to give.

When it comes to giving to the poor and needy, though, there is always the feeling of “How do I know this charity really goes to help those in need”, or just the fuss over deciding which charity to choose. Well, after reading THIS I came to learn about Direct Aid. Besides the fact that it is a trustworthy organization, the ease of the website is unbelievable. It is so convenient; the charity can be paid through KNet online. I haven’t tried it yet but just browsing through the website I saw how user friendly it was. They have seasonal charities (like iftar since its Ramadan), and emergency relief in their ‘Most Needed” section, which is obviously the tragic drought in Somalia.

I definitely recommend this site for those who want to help the poor and needy, and want to do so in a convenient way.

PS: Giving is throughout the year, not only in Ramadan

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